
Monday, January 9, 2012

Dark Castle (Part 1)

There is a castle which seems to be covered in shadow.
Ivy grows high on the walls engulfing most of the structure.
Walking through the front doors which are wide and tall enough for
three elephants stacked in a pyramid to enter.
Inside these doors there is a huge room.
This room is almost pitch black even with the
meager light from the chandelier which hangs at a peculiar angle.
A staircase flows across the right wall leading to a mysterious doorway.
Turning left there is a hall.
I walk down the the hall, noticing the strangeness of ivy growing, even inside.
I turn right right to continue up stairs and onto a second floor.
A shiver runs through my body and
I quickly turn, expecting to see a shadow.
To my surprise nothing is there.

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